[Serusers] Re: Fw: [Users] TM : retransmission timers

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Nov 27 12:46:58 CET 2006

Hi Vaclav!

Thanks for the tests. Interesting that openser's tm is much slower than 
ser 0.9.6. Hmm.


Vaclav Kubart wrote:
> I'm sorry to nip in, but I tried to rerun the tests again and add more
> info into output as requested and add stable ser and CVS openser.
> I know that this test doesn't conform much to real life (for example
> generated callid/branch/tags differs only in a number, etc) but it can
> give at least an image about simple stateful forward.
> So, if anybody is interested:
> http://www.iptel.org/~vku/performance/tm.serXopenser.correct/
> I tried the same once more with less iterations because there were some
> errors in log from openser speaking about low memory (I used -m to
> specify shared mem size but with 768M it still said errors, might be a
> memleak or did I anything wrong?). With 1M iterations it was without
> errors:
> http://www.iptel.org/~vku/performance/tm.serXopenser.1M/
> 	Vaclav
> P.S. I have forgotten - SIPP was "Sipp v1.1, version 20060829, built Sep
> 5 2006, 15:07:25", I'm attaching simple patch which I have used.
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 12:48:12AM +0200, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>> I love such "independent" and "very very useful" tests ... one selected 
>> the versions he liked, latest development of ser with latest stable 
>> version of openser, the details about testing scenarios are pretty 
>> limited. However these details are very very insignificant, really.
>> What matters is this particular case: what you tested is useless and 
>> someone can better implement a tiny kernel module to perform same job 
>> much faster that will make openser/ser trashed instantly if that is 
>> their only usage. More important are the performances in real world 
>> cases. I am not going to do comparison tests and reveal numbers, I will 
>> let you do and hope make the results available.
>> I will exemplify with just two common use cases:
>> A) ITSP where usrloc is required - to get the throughput from your tests 
>> one needs to have over million of online users. Let me know how SER is 
>> doing with loading them, I can bet that it takes several minutes to 
>> start (so service down for a significat time) and lot to lookup a record 
>> afterwards, do not forget to mention required memory. Then we will see 
>> if the forwarding throughput is the bottleneck.
>> B) carrier - heavy accounting needed - take the latest cvs snapshots and 
>> test it, look at flexibility in same time and see if the balance of 
>> throughput and features is satisfactory. Do not forget that behind 
>> database should be redundant for a reliable accounting storage.
>> My conclusion and the point I wanted to underline is that forwarding is 
>> not the bottleneck by far and so far in real-world deployments -- or at 
>> least nobody reported in openser mailing lists. Once it will be, for 
>> sure there will be effort and focus to optimize it. I don't even bother 
>> to check the scenarios, environment and test results you had, because 
>> makes no sense today.
>> It is more important to look at the results gave, for example, here by 
>> an independent party:
>> http://openser.org/pipermail/users/2006-November/007777.html
>> With a real config and clustering system the performance of a box was 
>> 300calls per second -- having at least 5 database accesses!!!. If you 
>> need double you can add one more hardware, without extra configuration 
>> overhead, just plug and play. And that is stable version of OpenSER 
>> since July this year (btw, for those who keep saying that OpenSER does 
>> not focus on stability, just check the CVS and see the number of bugs 
>> encountered with this release, maybe you can change your opinion), and 
>> you can have a safe environment distributed geographically where each 
>> hardware can undertake the traffic from the others on the fly. With 
>> single box crashing because of different independent reasons (hardware 
>> failure, power outages ...) you get no service ... with three boxes you 
>> can serve huge number of active subscribers in peak hours and have 
>> failover support, so service availability 100%. I am sure most of the 
>> people look now how to build reliable platforms that scale very easy and 
>> can be distributed around the world, with a bunch of useful features -- 
>> simple first line replacement is not the business case for VoIP anymore.
>> We didn't try at OpenSER to get a airplane when we have to drive city 
>> streets, we looked to get feature rich and reliable application for its 
>> use cases. I would propose to have focus on making own applications 
>> better than trying to show the other one is worse.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> PS. You can use stateless forwarding to get even better results, the 
>> usefulness will be the same.
>> On 11/21/06 12:30, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
>>> Regarding the technical discussion, here are some hard numbers which show
>>> how SER stack outperforms derivative work. Forwarding throughput is clearly
>>> several times better under stress and consequently, variation of response
>>> delay is rather stable.
>>>> http://www.iptel.org/~vku/performance/tm.serXopenser.pulpuk/
>>> -jiri
>>> At 21:16 09/11/2006, Rao Ramaratnamma wrote:
>>>> Hi Weiter,
>>>> Yeah, I have been trying to limit myself to technical observations too, 
>>>> but the governance aspect is somewhat interesting too as a hint for 
>>>> future development, even though I guess even this is much more confusing 
>>>> than the technical ones. I have investigated, both projects have their 
>>>> firms with them that pursue their commercial interests which creates a 
>>>> risk of possibly departing from the public interest, like with redhat. 
>>> >From this angle they look quite similar. But if any worries me just a 
>>>> little bit more than openser.  Appearance at commercial shows on the 
>>>> "open" side versus technical event on the "net" side if I take your BSD 
>>>> parallel, marketing "open" webpage accusing "net" version bad, hiding 
>>>> root commerical sponsors on the "open" webpage, this could be signs for a 
>>>> redhat-like doubleedged sword.  Hopefully I am oversensing because I mean 
>>>> it is natural that everybody has SOME interest, but indisputably folks on 
>>>> both sides have done good work, but same indisputably more TRANSPARENCY 
>>>> would be helpful for both projects so that users can be less 
>>>> investigative.
>>>> But I agree the technical comparison you suggest will be very useful if 
>>>> not most useful. This is what I am eventually upto. Anything folks have 
>>>> to tell in this topic is most welcome like the retransmission timers in 
>>>> subject or user loading.
>>>> rr
>>>> disconcerted by the fact that the more I know the more I am confused and 
>>>> determined to get over the learning curve quickly. also excuse the abuse 
>>>> I crossposted again but I think cross interrogation is a bit painful but 
>>>> the more effective :-)
>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: Weiter Leiter <bp4mls at googlemail.com>
>>>> To: Kim Il <kim_il_s at yahoo.com>
>>>> Cc: users at openser.org
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2006 1:42:29 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: [Users] TM : retransmission timers
>>>> Common user barely has time to meet his boss requirements, rather than 
>>>> playing around with different scenarios, platforms, environments. 
>>>> I only read one email where Daniel stated that OpenSER now performs a 
>>>> whole much better while loading users from database. SER guys put no 
>>>> figure out yet, neither bare numbers nor comparisons. I'm just really 
>>>> curious to see how both servers perform, that's all. 
>>>> Even though I must maintain my SER, I kinda like OpenSER's faster 
>>>> releases and developers' responsiveness (that I shamelessly exploit for 
>>>> the common code left there :-), which is pretty much nonexistent with 
>>>> iptel (at least this is the general belief here at OpenSER). But about 
>>>> this I'll probably have to fight on SER's mailing list. I still wish that 
>>>> one day I won't have to compare features; heck, NetSER and FreeSER are 
>>>> still available ;-). 
>>>> WL.
>>>> PS. Maybe regretfully, I haven't seen any iptel booth at von this year, 
>>>> while OpenSER guys put up a nice show. My congrats.
>>>> On 11/9/06, Kim Il <<mailto:kim_il_s at yahoo.com>kim_il_s at yahoo.com> wrote: 
>>>> I can see what you are hinting at, but I guess that the users are the 
>>>> unbiased party that should do the judgment and not the parties who have 
>>>> something to gain.
>>>> cheers
>>>> Weiter Leiter <<mailto:bp4mls at googlemail.com>bp4mls at googlemail.com> 
>>>> wrote:  This features comparisons are not to last for too long, some 
>>>> performance comparisons would also be nice. After all, there are plenty 
>>>> of UA-level stacks out there. At least now that both projects get to have 
>>>> stable releases after forking and some core functionality remained 
>>>> shared. I wonder what "unbiased" organization will take up the challenge. 
>>>> :-)
>>>> On 11/8/06, Kim Il <<mailto:kim_il_s at yahoo.com> kim_il_s at yahoo.com > 
>>>> wrote:  Mike,
>>>> this is a really good start and we should collect these things  so as to 
>>>> help the  community to take the right choice. I would also suggest that 
>>>> what ever ground breaking issues we list we stay at the functional level 
>>>> (I do not think anyone is helped by using a description containing 
>>>> "allowing carrier grade platforms" and similar marketing phrases). cheers
>>>> {truncated because too large}
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>>> Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/  
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Klaus Darilion

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