[Serusers] Ser with remote mysql

John Shellhouse jwshel at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 6 00:17:44 CET 2006

You might want to make sure that db_url parameter is set correctly, because 
i believe by default the param is set to point to localhost.


>From: ram <talk2ram at gmail.com>
>To: serusers at iptel.org
>Subject: [Serusers] Ser with remote mysql
>Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 22:33:06 +0530
>Hi all
>I have Ser running one server ( centos)
>and another server Database ( FC5) , Mysql mysql-5.0.X
>iam able to connect from ser server to mysql server from prompt
>iam able to connect.
>wheni configure in ser.cfg and run ,iam getting this following error.
>why this still conencting to local server ?
>Nov  5 22:26:11 ser2 ser[22959]: Maxfwd module- initializing
>Nov  5 22:26:11 ser2 ser[22959]: new_connection(): Can't connect to local
>MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
>Nov  5 22:26:11 ser2 ser[22959]: db_init(): Could not create a connection
>Nov  5 22:26:11 ser2 ser[22959]: ERROR:domain_db_init: cannot initialize
>database connection
>Nov  5 22:26:11 ser2 ser[22959]: init_mod(): Error while initializing 
>ser.cfg in short
>modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@databaseserverip/ser")
>modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@databaseserverip/ser")
>how can i resolve this problem

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