[serusers]: trusted table(permissions module)

Maciej Żwirski mzwirek at poczta.fm
Wed Nov 1 10:50:26 CET 2006

Kamal.Mann at t-systems.com wrote:

> Hi All
> I made an entry /“, any, ^sip:.*$”/ into trusted table so 
> that any packet sent from would be trusted by SER and 
> don’t ask for its credentials. But SER is replying *407- proxy* auth 
> needed!!  After this I tried with permissions.allow file:
I had the same issue while interconnecting SER and Asterisk. It turned 
out to be an issue on Asterisk side (I had the same user added for SER 
and Asterisk, so the poor thing couldn't authorize either :)) So you 
could check if the 407 you're getting is from SER or from the remote host.

Maciej Zwirski

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