[Users] OpenSER Summit: photos and slides

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Mon Nov 13 13:08:14 CET 2006


first photo album from the OpenSER summit days is available at:

Also, the slides are collected in their last version and uploaded to:

We like to thank to all people attending the event, the number of 
participants was a pleasant surprise even for VoN organizers. During 
Wednesday we were able to meet lot of community members and listen to 
very interesting speeches. Since the slides do not reflect entirely the 
presentation, in the near future we will post comments about each one 
showed there. We are still collecting photos, so expect more in the next 
days, maybe some videos as well.

The event was more focused on OpenSER capabilities and business cases, 
rather than technical discussions. This leaded to a frequent question: 
when a technical meeting will be hold? We started investigation for time 
and place, someone already committed to host the event, proposals are 
very welcome. On the other hand, we got lot of emails asking about 
similar events in other places of the world, traveling between 
continents not being very convenient -- we look to do such meetings as 
well, further details will follow on the mailing lists.


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