[Users] Usage of record_route_preset / dispatcher / UAC-Module

Carsten Bock openser-list at qbiz.de
Mon Mar 27 13:00:16 CEST 2006

Hi Everybody,

I hjust wanted to mention, that i fixed the problem myself.
It worked fine, after i defined an alias with the loadbalancer-IP. I 
just looked into the sources and found a hint, where to look! OpenSource 
is great!
Anyhow, thanks for a great SIP-Router!


Carsten Bock schrieb:
> Hi Andy, Hi Bogdan,
> @first: Thank you for your replies.
> I agree, i SHOULD do Record-Route with the Proxy-IP and loose-Route
> either on the LB or on the Proxies (for consistency). But i cannot...
> I need to do record_route on the proxies (for add_rr_param) and i need
> to do loose_routing on the Proxies for accounting (i do not want to it
> on the LB).
> Any hint, any how-to?
> Carsten
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
>> Hi Andy,
>> yes, right...it's a matter of choice...
>> what I was trying to say is that the consistency should be kept and 
>> do record and loose route on same device with proper IP: either do RR 
>> on LB with LB's IP and loose also on LB, either do them on proxy with 
>> proxies's IP.
>> regards,
>> bogdan
>> Andreas Granig wrote:
>> se
>>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>>>> just a short note...on the sip proxy you should do rr with the 
>>>> proxy's IP and not with the one of the LB. Once the LB decides 
>>>> which proxy handles the call, all sequential request must go 
>>>> through that proxy and ideally to skip the LB.
>>> Well, I personally prefer to do rr on the LB, because you can then 
>>> perform a failover to another proxy on the LB if the specific proxy 
>>> fails. Think of a scenario where LB routes the INVITE transaction to 
>>> proxy P1 selected by Call-ID hashing, and after successful 
>>> call-establishment P1 fails. If the BYE then hits LB, it will try to 
>>> route it to P1 again because of the same Call-ID, and after hitting 
>>> a timeout, a fallback to P2 can be performed. So no failover has to 
>>> be implemented in the UACs.
>>> For accounting purposes, the acc-records can be collected from all 
>>> of the proxies to create the CDRs.
>>> Just my 2 cents,
>>> Andy
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