[Serusers] Monitoring SER

Peter Kuebler peter.kuebler at sunrocket.com
Fri Dec 8 15:27:45 CET 2006

Hi David,


Did you ever get any help with this?  We use SER here and monitoring is a
difficult task.  You may want to reference this link for some assistance-


Your post below:




My company has deployed SER on a very large scale across
the US and I would like to develop a way to monitor critical
parts of SER and the servers that SER runs on.
I have several questions regarding monitoring SER.
1.  Can SER be SNMP enabled via something like SMUX or AgentX from net-snmp?
2.  Does SER have any native SNMP support or other monitoring/logging hooks
built in?
3.  Do any mibs exist for SER / SIP?
4.  I am also still trying to find out if SER has anyway to detect when
a user looses registration either via SER internals or external watchdog
scripts etc.




Peter Kuebler

Director Network Reliability

tele: 703-636-1114 

ext: 112

tele:  703-734-4112(alt)

cell: 240-506-5703




8045 Leesburg Pike, Suite 300

Vienna, VA 22182

 peter.kuebler at sunrocket.com


 SunRocket NOC 703-637-9970



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