[Serusers] Re: usrloc loading

Martin Hoffmann hn at nvnc.de
Tue Dec 5 15:28:00 CET 2006

Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Martin Hoffmann wrote:
> >
> >I think a function "t_go_stateful()" might be enough (and use t_reply()
> >in the registrar). The function checks if a transaction for the request
> >exists and if so, ends processing right away. Otherwise it creates a
> >transaction in a prelimary state.
> Doesn't t_lookup_request() help you?

I seem to remember that there were some problems with that. I do not
claim to understand tm, but during my feeble attempts to do, I found
issues with t_lookup_request() and maybe even t_newtran(). Probably
something to do with ACKs and CANCELs.


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