[Serusers] No accounting records logged by radius in mysql; Unsupported Acct-Status-Type = 15
Greger V. Teigre
greger at teigre.com
Fri Sep 30 08:11:57 CEST 2005
radiusclent* dictionaries are for the client (i.e. ser module sending the
the radius server), the radius server has its own dictionary that also must
be updated. The rlm_sql message (I assume) is from your radius server,
right? If so, that is where you should look (raddb/dictionary?) To me it
looks like has read the value (doesn't complain about unknown value), but
the radius server doesn't really know what to do with it.
I use another radius server, so I cannot help you further.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cameron Beattie" <kjcsb at orcon.net.nz>
To: <serusers at lists.iptel.org>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 07:57 AM
Subject: [Serusers] No accounting records logged by radius in
mysql;Unsupported Acct-Status-Type = 15
>I have configured ser with radius accounting and I see accounting records
>being generated successfully in the file system. I have also configured
>accounting to mysql. Successful calls are logged to mysql correctly but
>unsuccessful calls are not. When I run radius -X and watch what happens I
>see the following:
> rlm_sql (sql): Unsupported Acct-Status-Type = 15
> modcall[accounting]: module "sql" returns noop for request 1
> dictionary.ser contains the following line:
> VALUE Acct-Status-Type Failed 15 # RFC2866, acc
> I have added the contents of dictionary.ser to the radiusclient/dictionary
> and radiusclient-ng/dictionary files. I have included dictionary.ser in
> raddb/dictionary.
> I'm sure there's a configuration step I've missed. Could anyone suggest
> some other things to check?
> Thanks
> Cameron
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