[Users] RPID and how it relates to CallerID

Brandon Price brandon.price at hostrocket.com
Thu Oct 6 16:55:06 CEST 2005

I am having some trouble getting this to work. I have tried...

openserctl rpid add 200 "privacy=full"
openserctl rpid add 200 "<sip:200 at ourdomain.net;party=calling;id- 

I made sure that the changes were actually taking place in the mysql db.
neither have achieved the desired effect equal to callerid block on  
the pstn.
I have included the related portions of my openser.cfg. Any help  
would be greatly appreciated.

# auth
modparam("auth", "rpid_avp", "rpid")
modparam("auth", "rpid_prefix", "")
modparam("auth", "rpid_suffix", ";party=calling;id- 

if (method=="INVITE" && uri =~ "sip:1[0-9]{10}@.*"){
         if (is_user_in("From", "ld")){
                 if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")){
                 www_challenge("", "1");

On Oct 6, 2005, at 4:53 AM, Jesus Rodriguez wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Brandon Price wrote:
>> Can someone please explain to me how RPID works under openser? I  
>> have some experience with SIP and Asterisk, but I am having some  
>> trouble manipulating the RPID variables under openser. How does  
>> RPID relate to Callerid or simple services like private calling,  
>> or anonymous call block. How do I tell openser to send all calls  
>> from a certain user with the privacy=full flag, I'm assuming this  
>> tells the sip proxy or UA on the other end not to present the  
>> callerid? Any help greatly appreciated.
> You can use a field "rpid" in the database and load the value with  
> AVPs.
> A possible format to use is:
> <sip:12345678 at domain.com;user=phone>;privacy=off
> You can also add a prefix or sufix to every rpid that will be
> automatically added by OpenSER with:
> modparam("auth", "rpid_suffix", ";party=calling;id-type=subscriber")
> Saludos
> JesusR.
> -------------------------------
> Jesus Rodriguez
> VozTelecom Sistemas, S.L.
> jesusr at voztele.com
> http://www.voztele.com
> Tel. 902360305
> -------------------------------

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