[Serusers] Urgent NAT question: mediaproxy,rtp or STUN ?

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 14:38:47 CET 2005

I would say mediaproxy..have little logical reason except that so far no 
NAT issues with any client


Giovanni Balasso wrote:

>Alle 21:21, sabato 19 novembre 2005, a cairo ha scritto:
>>Terrible question:
>>Is mediaproxy better than rtp or STUN server for NAT problem ???
>>Private Network for more than 1000 users
>>Public Radius+MySQL
>>Public Patton MediaGW
>If users are all in private network stun can create hairpin problem but you 
>should be able to run ser without stun, mediaproxy or rtpproxy.
>If you have external clients and need to run some kind of proxy, surf 
>onsip.org for details on mediaproxy vs rtpproxy

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