[SPAM] Re: [Serusers] Help on Running SER.

Samuel Osorio Calvo samuel.osorio at nl.thalesgroup.com
Thu May 19 13:12:28 CEST 2005

If you want to listen to more than one address, you should add 
to the config file otherwise only the first address of the 
listen= a.b.c.d
list will be used. With the 
config paramter you can tune how many listener process you want to assign to each listening address.


>>> Iqbal <iqbal at gigo.co.uk> 05/19/05 12:58PM >>>
well a copy of ser.cfg would help.


Simith Nambiar wrote:

>Hi All,
>                I'am new to Ser , and hope this is the right list to ask
>this Question. I get the following error on running Ser, what could be the
>problem ?
>and some hint on where to look for to fix my config file ? or something else
>would be very much helpful !
>WARNING: no fork mode  and more than one listen address found(will use only
>the the first one)
>stateless - initializing
> 0(0) Maxfwd module- initializing
>textops - initializing
>ERROR: error -478 while trying to fix configuration
>And where can i look for all the Error codes and thier corresponding
>meanings ? 
>Thank you.
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>serusers at lists.iptel.org 

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