[Serusers] How-to write a custom module

Samuel Osorio Calvo samuel.osorio at nl.thalesgroup.com
Mon Jun 20 16:25:10 CEST 2005

In fact there's the print module which is there just to give an example of a starting point for a new module......or is there anyone using print?? ;)


>>> Andreas Granig <andreas.granig at inode.info> 06/20/05 03:17PM >>>
Steve Blair wrote:
>  I'd like to write a new module for SER. I see a number of other people
> have asked this question but I don't see a how-to guide mentioned in
> any of their messages. Does such a  guide exist? If so can someone
> provide a pointer to it?

IMHO the "group" module is a good starting point because of it's simplicity..


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