[Serusers] architecture question on Sending Invite Upon 302 Moved Temp (Redirect)

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon Jun 13 16:24:45 CEST 2005

mark wehberg writes:

 > The question I have is, what is the reason not to have that
 > functionality built into SER or the option to not "relay back upstream"
 > the 302, but have SER process the message?  Is there something I am
 > missing? 

that functionality could be built into ser, but currently i don't know
any means on how to get access to contact body in a ser module.

turning 302s to invites should be end user configurable option, because
otherwise ser may get an unpleasant surprise, when he/she gets a bill
for calls he thought he never made.

-- juha

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