[Serusers] consume_credentials() bug!?

Rodrigo P. Telles telles at devel.it
Thu Jul 21 18:11:13 CEST 2005

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As you asked follow the dumps plus ser.cfg.

Thanks in advance.

Jan Janak wrote:
> On 13-07-2005 12:31, Rodrigo P. Telles wrote:
>>I did another dump using ethereal and the result was the same but finaly I find out the source of the problem.
>>One carrier that I send calls through do some comparisons betwen To: header field and INVITE (I know that its not RFC
>>compliant) so I have to change To: header field using subst().
>>This error occur only when I change To: header field and doesn't matters if I use "consume_credentials()" before or
>>after the substitution function.
>>I realy don't know if its a "consume_credentials()" BUG!
>>I think SER gurus can answer this question.
>   Could you make pcap dumps (either using tcpdump, ngrep, or ethereal)
>   and post them along with the the configuration file ? Are you trying
>   to rewrite the contents of To header field using regular expressions ?
>   If so then it is possible that the regular expression is not correct
>   and rewrites more than it should. The configuration file would be
>   useful too.
> 	Jan.
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