[Serusers] Linux VoIP Server LiveCD

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Wed Jul 13 16:04:00 CEST 2005

$399, waste of money, jump in do it urself, u'll learn lots more, and 
the problem with the CD, you will need to make changes for it to fit ur 
environment, thats where u may have problems if you dont understand 
whats under the hood.

Try www.onsip.org, its got a nice starter guide as a howto, with a basic 
config, once you have that up and running the rest is plain sailing


Seong bear wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm sure someone must have heard about Linux VoIP Server LiveCD
>http://www.wifi.com.ar/english/voip.html. By considering ROI, i planing
>to get one in with asterisk B2BUA solution package. I myself are really
>not good to build one, which could be time consume and might go wrong
>especially the billing part. Since the LiveCD is utilizing SER, I'm
>thinking to setup some asterisk servers for B2BUA and PSTN gateway
>purpose and integrate with it.
>Therefore, I would like to seek more opinions  and advices from the
>experts. It's worth to get one or should i go for consultant help? And
>anyone play with it before?
>Thank regards
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>serusers at lists.iptel.org

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