[Serusers] PSTN gateway user lookup

Stuart Kirkwood - Jubilee Consultancy Limited stuart at jubileeconsultancy.com
Mon Jul 11 13:42:30 CEST 2005

Hi Luca,

I use exactly the same method you describe using the aliases table. This
method is good as it allows you to do any combination of mapping between
PSTN lines and VoIP phones.  For example you can have a PSTN number ring one
VoIP phone or more than one VoIP phone. You can also have more than one PSTN
number calling one VoIP phone. The other good points are that the
functionality is built into SER and it allows complete control through SER
without having to keep updating your gateway configuration.



-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces at iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org] On
Behalf Of Luca Corti
Sent: 11 July 2005 10:50
To: serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject: [Serusers] PSTN gateway user lookup


I'm using ser with an AS5350 as PSTN gateway. On the AS i've defined:

 sip-server ipv4:

and for every PSTN number I want to map to a SIP contact for inbound

dial-peer voice 292 voip
 description test
 destination-pattern 0123456789
 progress_ind setup enable 3
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 req-qos controlled-load
 ip qos dscp cs5 media

Now calls for 0123456789 are forwarded to ser (, but I need a
way to make ser know who is going to receive the call.

I solved this adding a record to the alias table containing the PSTN
address for incoming calls of each user, which is then matched in ser
through lookup(aliases).

Does anyone use a different approach to solve this?

thanks a lot

Luca Corti
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