[Serusers] ANI + CallerID in SER

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Wed Jul 6 03:14:32 CEST 2005

caller-id is represented by the rpid, and in theory can be set to
anything, the ANI (auto num identification) is actually a "hidden"
identifier which should not blockable or changeable, else 911 wouldnt
really work.

Ser includes the caller-id in the uri, and also as you mentioned using
rpid, in a appended header. As for the ANI, not really sure, but its not
in SER I dont think, else it could be modified....which leads me to
think that this is how you could spoof ANI


On 7/5/2005, "Ramin Nikaeen" <rnikaeen at goldline.net> wrote:

>Valued Colleagues,
>I am trying to figure out how ANI and CallerID are handled/processed by
>and by SIP in general.
>I have understood append_rpid_hf can be used to add a Remote-Party-ID
>SIP header field.
>Does Remote-Party-ID represent the CallerID or the ANI?!
>How does SER include CallerID and ANI in the SIP message?
> Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction as to where to
>Best Regards,

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