[Serusers] SerWeb Installation Problem
Felipe Martins
fmartins at mundivox.com
Wed Jan 26 21:37:37 CET 2005
If you put your DocumentRoot=/var/www/html/htdocs/serweb, there is no need to put /serweb at the URL ... the default is to look for a PHP page ... if you als have already configured php extensions to apache.
Try just to type http://hostofyourserver ou http://server_ipaddress and see what happens.
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 18:57:27 -0000
"Ashling O'Driscoll" <ashling.odriscoll at cit.ie> wrote:
> I must thank all the people who have helped me over the last few days
> with my queries...Im nearly there I think!
> However I am now trying to set up SerWeb. I am new to Linux (any
> flavour of it)so this is proving somewhat difficult.
> I am following the instruction detail on
> http://www.wifi.com.ar/doc/voip/ser/ser-howto.html.html
> I modified /etc/php.ini for the regsiter globals=on change. Then
> according to instructions I should do the following:
> Move the html directory to the root of your web server:
> mv html /var/www/html/htdocs/serweb
> Move the phplib directory to your web server application directory:
> mv phplib /var/www/html/phplib
> However these instructions are for red hat and I am running Suse
> Linux 9.0. I did the following because I believe this is the root of
> my webserver:
> mv html /srv/www/htdocs/htdocs/serweb
> mv phplib /srv/www/htdocs
> Could someone who has set up serweb on suse verify that this is
> correct??...I then made the remaining changes such as adding "../" to
> the php files as documented.
> When I run in a browser window, I get an
> error saying the requested URL /serweb was not found....
> Id really appreciate if someone would tell where Im going wrong
> because I am finding this difficult to troubleshoot when I am not
> familiar with Linux.
> Thanks as always,
> Aisling.
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Felipe Martins
Linux System Administrator
Tep Solution Provider
Mundivox Communications
Rua Lauro Muller, 116/Sala 505
RJ - Brasil - 22290-906
Tel.: 55 21 3820-8839
Fax.: 55 21 3820-8844
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