[Serusers] "Best practice" document, was Warning: sl_send_reply: I won't send a reply for ACK!!

Greger V. Teigre greger at teigre.com
Tue Feb 22 10:53:08 CET 2005

>> That is interesting. We use vovida stun and have not experienced any
>> problems at all. What exactly are you referring to?
> MyStun is terrible, IMHO, and VOCAL is a dead project, so neither are
> good choices for our company.

Yes, vocal is dead, but pretty much so is also the STUN protocol... In my 
experience, a combination of STUN, ser sdp rewrites (incl. direction=active) 
and rtp proxying covers pretty much everything and reduces your rtp proxying 
to a minimum.  Yes, you have to test each device behind different NAT types 
to make sure that the behavior is correct.  A public list of device 
experiences with a such "keep RTP to a minimum, but support devices behind 
NAT" setup should be of interest to many.
    Anyway, I agree. It's too bad that no maintained GNU STUN server is 
available.  More and more devices support stun and it works amazingly well 
in most cases if your setup is correct.  It's just that NAT is a problem 
that is difficult to get your arms around and if your ser.cfg is not 
correct, you have problems and end up with either your approach or proxy 

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