[Serusers] Stop Radius Accounting on Status 404.

Mohamed Omar amatek2004 at yahoo.ca
Wed Feb 2 04:30:55 CET 2005

I have been stuggling with this accounting issue for over two weeks now. I want force SER send a stop accounting flag to the radius server when it get a status 404. 
I tried to use rad_acc_request("stop"); in my ser.cfg but I get the following error when start ser. "unknown command, missing loadmodule?"
Please help, I have been pulling my hair for the past two week.
if any one has a cheap solution that can send stop accounting record on incomplete call.  let me know.

Mohamed Omar <amatek2004 at yahoo.ca> wrote: unknown command, missing loadmodule?

How can make SER flags status 404 for accounting and send a stop accouting record to the radius server?
Am currently doing accounting for calls going to PSTN network and it's working fine if the call is not completed and if I get an error like status 404 then no stop accounting record is sent to the radius server. 
I would like to force SER to send stop accouting flag to radius server.
Can I do this on SER 0.8.14
if (!lookup("location")) {

 # doesn't seem to be needed, problably because sl_send_reply
 #                       acc_rad_request("stop");
                          sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");


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