[Serusers] Adding users in the loaded db

Xavier TRENTIN xtrentin at softiphone.net
Sun Dec 11 09:48:14 CET 2005

sip a écrit :

>Pas de virus detecté dans l'attachement no filename
>Votre Mail a été vérifié par InterScan.
>SER doesn't really load users on startup into memory except from the location
>table (i.e. user/contact information).  
Ok, I just wanted to know if other data was loaded.

>When you create a user in the
>subscriber table, that user is added. 
I agree with you, but only in mysql or dbtext database.

>Then, when his client sends a register,
>he gets added to the location table in memory/in the db.  
This is where I disagree. If I add a user in my dbtext database, and if 
I don't restart
SER, the registration fails.

>There's nothing you
>really need to to to manually add someone to the location table... and really,
>there's nothing you SHOULD be doing. Users add themselves on login with all
>the correct information about their contact info. 
>On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 18:58:56 +0100, Xavier TRENTIN wrote
>>I'd like to know if there is a way to add users in the database
>>loaded in memory, using a fifo command for example?
>>If, yes, could you give an exemple.
>>Cause I don't want to restart ser anytime I add a user ;p
>>Serusers mailing list
>>serusers at lists.iptel.org

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