[Users] multi-leg accounting

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Fri Dec 9 17:57:48 CET 2005

Hi Helge,



xxx_leg_avp_id is a parameter name, but not an avp alias...you were 
writing in the wrong avps ;)


Helge Waastad wrote:

>And thanks for the response.
>I have the scheme in the current cvs (from today)...
>I've tried the following (just for test)
>(I'v also tried $ruri and $from in the above, but nothing helps)
>But still n/a
>in modparam acc:
>src_leg_avp_id is 110
>dst_leg_avp_id is 111
>I hope I'm not mistaken completely :-|
>br hw
>fre, 09,.12.2005 kl. 11.50 +0100, skrev Klaus Darilion:
>>Do you use the proper acc table schema? There was a bug in the table 
>>definition which was fixed recently.
>>Helge Waastad wrote:
>>>to get multi-leg accounting to work,
>>>is it necessary to avp_write "something" to the
>>>src_leg_avp_id/dst_leg_avp_id avp's?
>>>Right now I only get "n/a" in those columns.
>>>I've tried to use avp_write without any success.
>>>br, hw

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