[Serusers] Radius Server sending reply to another machine!!!

Ashutosh Kumar ashutoshk at chetu.com
Tue Aug 30 15:04:48 CEST 2005

Many thanks Jan,
	Adding bindaddr directive to radiusclient.conf worked!!!!.

Now, the problem remains as to why is the radiusclient/ser picking up the
dictionary.ascend, when I have included the dictionary.ser at the end of my
dictionary file. Also, I have auth_radius:service_type modparamed' to value
of 15. 
Please guide.

Ashutosh Kumar

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Janak [mailto:jan at iptel.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Ashutosh Kumar
Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Radius Server sending reply to another machine!!!

Check the configuration file of the radius client library, perhaps you
have set the bindaddr parameter to the wrong IP address ?


On 30-08-2005 03:57, Ashutosh Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> 	I am facing a strange bewildering problem out here. Earlier I was
> running ser -0.9 on machine a.b.c.116. Now we shifted it to a.b.c.113 for
> testing for radius testing purposes. 
> But in the radius packet dump, it is showing as the radius packet still
> originating from a.b.c.116 machine, despite the fact, my new revised
> doesn't contain any listen address or alias for .116 box.
> Also, the /etc/hosts doesn't mention .116 address. Also, it is not the
> that .116 and .113 are IPs homes on same machine. My ser.cfg code for
> authorization is as follows.
> ...
> .....
>         if (!radius_www_authorize("")) {
>     #    if (!www_authorize("","subscriber")) {
>                 www_challenge("","0");
>                break;
>         };
> ...
> .....
> In the DB also, there is no table . The Domains table has no records. But
> still SER is usng .116 address to send radius packets from. Here is the
> radius packet dump.
> [root at sip radiusclient]# tcpdump -i eth1  -s 1500 -w - udp  | raddump
> -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvsn
> tcpdump: listening on eth1
> Looks like a(n) libpcap/tcpdump packet trace
> 17:45:13.051205 radius a.b.c.113:50912 > p.q.r.s:1812 Access-Request 180
>   User-Name = test at a.b.c.112
>   Ascend-PW-Warntime = 168195173
>   Ascend-PW-Warntime = 17774137
>   Ascend-PW-Warntime = 36320307
>   Ascend-PW-Warntime = 68383593
>   Ascend-PW-Warntime = 51008069
>   Ascend-Menu-Item = 75dd216d3efa9bfb9c2d7e013d54f7bb
>   Service-Type = 15 (unknown)
>   Ascend-PW-Lifetime = 1952805748
>   NAS-IP-Address = a.b.c.116
>   NAS-Port = 5060
> (Is there any table /file in ser other than ser.cfg or mysql://ser that
> contains the domain information that might have been lying there unchanged
> since machine migration?)
> Also, why is SER using incorrect SER dictionary NAS client (Ascend)(
> shouldn't it have been Cisco or sometinhg like that). I have included the
> dictionary.ser included in ser-0.9 source in the radiusclient conf file. 
> Help me, its driving me crazy.
> Regards,
> Ashutosh Kumar
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