[Serusers] starting and stopping ser

Hemant Patel (IP) hpatel at ipwise.com
Wed Aug 10 12:11:04 CEST 2005

Hi List ,

Have checked on my Linux server and alas I don't have the 
/etc/init.d/ser scripts in it.
I downloaded ser-0.9.3 linux i386.tar.gz and installed same.

Aftre extract I have the /usr/local/etc ../sbin ../lib and ../share 
directories from this build but NO /etc/init.d/ser script  ( ??!!) on 
the server.

Anyway , went back to basic ser.cfg ( no mysql - just fifo )
Logged in as root

Executed ( from /usr/local/sbin) ser start
Seemed OK. Console screen ser starting with a pid.
Checked /var/log/messages - just a warning regarding fifo not having a 
db_url parameter.
checked processes with ps -U and saw ser process running.

Then Executed ( from /usr/local/sbin ) ser stop
Console screen reported ser stopped
ps -u showed ser process still running.
/var/log/messages now reported additional entires and already 
bound (?!!)

I had made sure , following a shutdown and a re-start of my Linux box , 
I hadn't acidentally kicked of ser start twice.

Am I doing something way wrong here ?
What am I doing wrong ??

To continue ...

Following a subsequent shutdown and re-start of my Linux box I then did 
the following ;

Checked processes running with ps -u and confirmed no ser processes running
Executed ( from /usr/local/sbin ) ./serctl start
Console screen reported ser starting with a pid.
Checked /var/log/messages - and have pasted the log below.
checked processes running with ps -U and saw ser processes running.
checked processes with ./serctl ps and the output is pasted below.
then did a ./serctl stop
Console reported ser stopped
Checked  /var/run and confirmed ser.pid removed
checked ps -U to confirm no ser processes running.

did the above again - with same results.

So , on my SuSE SLES9 Linux box ;
ser start and ser stop is not doing what it is supposed to.
./serctl start and ./serctl stop seems to be.

Any insight into thsi would be much appreciated.


Marc Khayat wrote:

>Mr Jan Janak helped me out on this:
>Use the init.d scripts (usually /etc/rc.d/init.d/ser in RedHat). So u can do: 
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/ser start|stop|restart
>-----Original Message-----
>From: serusers-bounces at iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org] On Behalf Of Ashutosh Kumar
>Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5:06 PM
>To: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>Subject: RE: [Serusers] starting and stopping ser
>    In my case also, using "serctl stop", gave the error ""pid file cannot
>be found....blah blah". And killing all running ser forked processes one by
>one is cumbersome.
>So the method I m using for the time being till I get a nice solutions is
>use the command "killall /usr/local/sbin/ser" , i.e the killall command is
>followed by the prog name along with the full path or the prog name only,
>depending upon where in the filesys you are standing right now.
>I also found  the following commands to be usful when viewing running ser
>-ps -auxmchf | grep ser
>-pstree -Gpn | grep ser     : shows ser heirachy wise, (father and sons)
>From: serusers-bounces at iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org] On
>Behalf Of Hemant Patel (IP)
>Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:23 PM
>To: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>Subject: [Serusers] starting and stopping ser
>Hi List ,
>This is my first install and use of ser so please bear with me.
>I've installed ser 0.9.3 ( Linux i386 ) binary.
>Started and stopped ser with the default ser.cfg - fine.
>Amended ser.cfg to load mysql.so auth and auth_db modules as per standard
>Mysql version is 4.0.18.
>I used  'mysql_sh' script to create default ser database and ser , serro
>users in mysql with default password.
>Checked that 'admin' user also setup on ser database with default password.
>Have set debug level 7 in ser.cfg to follow what goes on.
>Logged in as normal user and then su as root
>So here goes..
>ser start         - this seems to be ok. 
>ser stop         - seems to report ser has stopped 
>ser start         - connection to already in use message ( ???)
>So am I starting and stopping ser incorrectly ?
>What's the best way to start and stop ser - in a development environment ?
>Any pointers gratefully received.

Hemant Patel
*ip*wise Ltd

hpatel at ipwise.com
(+44) 0208 2409433

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