[Serusers] Question regarding *98, *67 etc.

Elena Ramona Modroiu ramona at voice-system.ro
Sat Apr 23 00:43:41 CEST 2005

You could you a new reply code from classes 4xx or 5xx (these two look 
more appropriate, although you can use a 6xx reply too -- see chapter 21 
in RFC3261 about reply codes) with a special reason phrase (Call 
forwarding enabled). Many phones display the reason phrase and that 
should help the caller to understand what happened.

A nicer way, imo, is to redirect the call to an announcement server that 
plays a confirmation message.


Dave wrote:

>I am using avpops to allow services such as
>call-forwarding, dnd, etc. I want to allow the users
>to be able to enter sequences such as *982223333,
>implying that he wants call forwarding enabled and the
>number to forward to is 2223333. 
>Question: Once SER gets the INVITE and stores the
>number to forward in an AVP, what response should SER
>send back to the UA? It cannot be 200 OK. I would like
>to send a response that basically displays "Call
>forwarding enabled" and ends the transaction.
>Thanks in advance
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