[Serusers] SER and IC-RADIUS
Lucas Aimaretto
lucas at cyneric.com
Tue Nov 16 21:39:23 CET 2004
Hello everyone,
I've succesfully compiled and installed SER 0.8.14 on a redhat 7.3.
Got an Xlite and a Grandstream Budgetone-100 registered and they both
could communicate between them.
Now, I want to use RADIUS with SER. I got SER compiled with RADIUS
support, and also compiled the radiusclient 0.4.3, and it seems
everything went fine.
I added both dictionary.ser and dictionary.sip to my dictionary, and I
believe there is something wrong here.
I followed the instrucitions at the RADIUS-HOWTO ...
1) touch digest
2) echo User-Name = "110 at", Digest-Response =
"631d6d73147add2f9e437f59bbc3aeb7", Digest-Realm = "testrealm",
Digest-Nonce = "1234abcd" , Digest-Method = "INVITE", Digest-URI =
"sip:5555551212 at example.com", Digest-Algorithm = "MD5", Digest-User-Name
= "110 at" > digest
3) radclient -f digest localhost auth radiussecret
... And this is the RADIUS OUTPUT ...
radrecv: Access Request from host c0a801fd code=1, id=86, length=174
User-Name = "1992005 at"
Digest-Response = "631d6d73147add2f9e437f59bbc3aeb7"
Digest-Attributes = "\001\013testrealm"
Digest-Attributes = "\002\0121234abcd"
Digest-Attributes = "\003\010INVITE"
Digest-Attributes = "\004\034sip:5555551212 at example.com"
Digest-Attributes = "\006\005MD5"
Digest-Attributes = "\012\0271992005 at"
Username is now 1992005 at
Calling station Id is now (null)
Client 1992005 at is PREPAID
credit_amount (19.00)
Sending Access Ack of id 86 to c0a801fd (nas linux)
Credit-Amount =
... And this is the radclient OUTPUT ...
Received response ID 86, code 2, length = 52
Vendor-9-Attr-102 =
1) Although I sent to radius diferent ATTRIBUTES, RADIUS recognized all
of them (except for one, Digest-Response) as Digest-Attributes. Why is
2) All of the values sent to RADIUS, for each attribute, are different
from the ones originally sent. For example ...
sent: Digest-Method = "INVITE"
received: Digest-Attributes = "\003\010INVITE"
So you see the "\003\010" chars in front of the string "INVITE"
... Why is that?
Well, I hope you can clarify some (better if all of them ;-) ) of my
Thanx in advance
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