[Serusers] SER to be used to forward Calls to/from an ITSP from Asterisk
Jan Janak
jan at iptel.org
Tue Jul 27 10:38:27 CEST 2004
On 26-07 21:18, Chris wrote:
> Hello, I'm very new to SER, been using * for a couple months....
> I don't mean to ask stupid questions, but I'm finding it hard to find any examples of using SER to REGISTER to a VoIP provider like Iconnecthere or Broadvoice and forward calls TO/FROM *...
SER cannot register to 3rd party servers. SER can process REGISTER
messages but cannot generate new REGISTER messages.
> All phones will register to Asterisk. Asterisk in turn will register to SER which will pass that registration info on to the SIP Provider...
Do you want to forward the REGISTEr to the SIP Provider or do you also
want to save the data from REGISTER in the user location database of
> So if someone calls from PSTN it would go PSTN => SIP-PROVIDER => SER => * => My Phone
> And if I made a call: My Phone => * => SER => SIP-PROVIDER => PSTN
> The reason I want to do this is because * does not support outbound proxies, round-robin DNS or RTP over TCP... Things I kinda want...
> If anyone can point me to some examples or maybe help me out I would appreciate it... I've tried WIKI and searching this list, the closest I could come was this post...
> http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2004-June/008916.html
> but I can't understand most of it... it looks like he's doing basically what I want to do, but I am unfamiliar with the config file syntax... I've tried reading the manual and the faq, but it dosen't really help when it comes to passing things to/from *...
> -Thank you for any help you can give
> Chris
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