[Serusers] Multiple SER Servers

Greg Fausak lgfausak at august.net
Mon Feb 2 16:30:49 CET 2004

Darren Nay wrote:

> Hey All,
> I have sent this question once before, but I don't believe that I received a response back.  If so then I appologize as I must have missed it.
> Could someone help me out with this?  We are gearing up to launch SER on a large scale but I want to verify that I can have multiple SER servers in a primary / failover scenario before doing so.
> Can I put SER onto multiple servers with load balancing and share the userloc tables between the servers (ie.  With MySQL or Postgres SQL) 

no, you can't do this until the location and subscriber tables
are uncached.  There is some mechanism built into SER that
allows for replication, that might work for you.
I think the uncached version is being released very soon

It might work in a failover mode, but if one SER server
does a REGISTER for UA 1, and another SER instance does UA 2,
they overwrite each other in the database.  Each instance thinks
it has control of the entire location table.  That is my
understanding however I've been wrong before :-)


> Is this possible? Or does one SER instance only recognize registrations for phones that register with that particular instance/daemon? 
> Thanks,
> Darren Nay - dnay at libertyisp.com 
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