[Serusers] audio and video port lost ???
zjsun at biigroup.com
Mon Dec 27 06:11:06 CET 2004
Merry Christmas everyone.
When I use SER as proxy server, I found a strange problem.
My SIP UA have audio and video two media stream. After transfered
by SER, the SIP message recieved by my callee UA lost its port information.
And I tested it on the sip.iptel.org's SER, this time the audio port
info is not lost,
but has changed. The video port is still lost( I wonder whether this is
caused by
NAT). My SER is located in the same private network, why the SER lost the
audio and video port info while other info is untouched ????
Appreciation for your help and instructions
Best Regards.
IPv6 on Everything, Power to Everything. Everything runs on Linux
Sun Zongjun
Sinux Sun
BII Group Holdings Ltd (BII Group)
E-mail: zjsun at biigroup.com
Web: http://www.biigroup.com; http://www.ipv6.net.cn
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