[Serusers] Limiting Users To One Registered UAC

Ricardo Martinez rmartinez at redvoiss.net
Wed Dec 22 15:10:41 CET 2004

	As far as i know there is a new command called max_contacts(number),
where "number" is the maximun number of contacts that is possible to
register for a single user.  Unfortunately, this command is available only
in the new 0.9 version. 
I tested it and it seems to do the trick ok.

Ricardo Martinez

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Java Rockx [mailto:javarockx at yahoo.com]
Enviado el: Miércoles, 22 de Diciembre de 2004 9:03
Para: ser users
Asunto: [Serusers] Limiting Users To One Registered UAC

Hi All.

How can I limit a user to one (1) registered UAC? I found this article from


And Jiri says that at that time ser could not do this.

I'm using ser-0.8.99-dev24 (soon to be using ser-0.9) so I'm hoping that
avpops or something will
do the trick.

Ideally I'd want to be able to vary the number of phones a user can have
based on a database
entry. So if a customer is paying for 3 "seats" then they can have 3
registered phones.

Can anyone give me some hints?


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