[Serusers] nat and multi domain problem

Higuera, Antonio ahiguera at broadnet.es
Wed Dec 15 19:37:02 CET 2004


I am new is this list and also in ser, sorry is the problem has a stupid solution.

I am configuring a ser sip server with the following features:

- Nat support with nathelper
- Multidomain support with domain module.
	modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", 1)
	modparam("registrar", "use_domain", 1)

All my uas are behind  a nat box without sip support, therefore I fix_nated_contact in order to have a valid contact in location dadabase. The registration procedure works fine, and i can start a call with INVITE, the problem is when the caller send the ACK because in the request field get the contact in the user at ip_address:port way. The proxy is answering with "Not found" (because modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", 1), I guess.....), and from this point everything fail is the dialog. 

Any idea?
Thanks very much for your help

Antonio Higuera.

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