[Serusers] Ser MySQL User Auth

Felipe Martins fmartins at mundivox.com
Thu Dec 9 20:42:40 CET 2004

Hi everybody,

	At this moment I have ser configured (remember, i'm very new to ser and sip servers), MySQL server is running with all his and ser tables created. I've added some users to the tables by typing

# serctl add testuser 1234 testuser at sipproxy.mundivox.com

After that, I put two sip routers to auth at my sipserer. They've manage to auth at it but with any password. I looked for the mysql auth configuration at 'ser's admin guide' and 'ser.cfg' adn discovered that for this auth support I must configure the line above at ser.cfg: 

modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "sql://ser:<password>@localhost/ser")

So my line became: 

modparam("usrloc", "/usr/local/mysql/data/ser", "sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")

But it returns the following Error Message: 

ERROR: bad config file (3 errors)

When I comment this line, ser server runs OK. 

What am I doing wrong ?
What is usrloc ?

Felipe Martins
Linux System Administrator
Tep Solution Provider
Mundivox Communications
Rua Lauro Muller, 116/Sala 505
RJ - Brasil - 22290-906
Tel.: 55 21 3820-8839
Fax.: 55 21 3820-8844

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