[Serusers] one to many aliases and voicemail

Jan Janak jan at iptel.org
Mon Aug 30 12:41:10 CEST 2004

Checking the number of outgoing branches from the configuration script
is currently not possible, so the safest way is to ensure that either
all or none of the targets of an alias have the voicemail flag set or
unset. It adds extra administrative overhead, but it is the best thing I
can recommend you right now.

On 27-08 12:30, Jev wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having an alias map to a single uri is fine, and if the target uri has 
> voicemail enabled that is fine.
> What happens if I have a alias that goes one to many, and some of the 
> target uris have voicemail enabled? When someone calls a particular 
> alias, I don't want ser to redirect to sems at all.
> How can I achieve this? Is it possible to detect if a invite has the 
> result of an alias (probably by using hints in the sip msg?), and if so 
> can I detect how many targets a alias maps to? In basic terms, if 
> alias_targets is > 1, then do not redirect to voicemail.
> Thanks!
> -Jev
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