[Serusers] Can SER authenticate to an 'uplink' proxy?

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Wed Aug 18 19:27:20 CEST 2004

At 04:55 PM 8/17/2004, Dietmar Wessel wrote:
>Can SER at least authenticate its request sent to an uplink-proxy?

SIP proxy servers do not send its requests uplink, they only send
replies upstream.

>(Using different creditentials then used from the user-client? Ie.
>can concatenated SERs authenticate against each other?

SIP authentication verifies identify of UAC, not of a proxy server.
TLS is to be used for verification of a domain as whole.


>Soren (Home) said:
>> Hi Dietmar,
>> SER does not contain any UserAgent. It is just a proxy.  Probably what you
>> want, is to use Asterisk instead (http://www.asterisk.org/).  It can
>> register to foreign proxies.
>I have tried Asterisk before but was not very happy as Asterisk seems to have
>its own idea on how to forward SIP messages, there is no 1:1 forwarding
>of messages, eg. a BUSY from uplink proxy is not forwarded as BUSY to
>the UA.
>> Cheers, Soren
>>> Hello,
>>> after reading some documents on iptel, googling and going
>>> through the mailing list I still do not know how to set up
>>> the following configuration - or if such a configuration is
>>> possible with SER at all:
>>> +---------+    +-----+    +-------+
>>> |sip-phone|----| SER |----|sipgate|--PSTN...
>>> +---------+    +-----+    +-------+
>>> (...)
>>> I have some sip-phones which should register at "my" SER
>>> (this is the easy part).
>>> I also have an account at sipgate (and other GW-providers)
>>> which I would like to use for incoming and outgoing calls.
>>> How can I configure my SER so that it REGISTERs at sipgate,
>>> so that sipgate will send INVITEs to my SER when there is an
>>> incoming call?
>>> How can I configure SER so that is authenticates
>>> against sipgate when setting up an ougoing call?
>>> The final setup should allow me to make "internal" calls
>>> between the sip-phones, receive incoming calls from some
>>> "public" GW-providers and use "least-cost-routing" for
>>> external calls (use cheapest GW depending on destination).
>>> I believe that such a configuration is not that exotic,
>>> but I could not find a usable sample...
>>> Thank you
>>> Dietmar Wessel
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>> --
>> Soren Davidsen,
>> Univ: AUE department of computer science, room H302, +45-20676081
>> Home: http://tanesha.net/, +45-36947805 or +1-3602266324
>> Ring billigt med IP-telefoni: http://musimi.dk/, http://GratisSip.dk/
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Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 

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