[Serusers] Too many connections in MySQL

Michal Tarana tarana at infovek.sk
Wed Oct 15 18:20:23 CEST 2003

Hi everybody,

I started to use ser 0.8.11 on my server (Debian/SID). After start of ser MySQL 
server accepts about 95 - 100 connections per loaded module. I use auth_db 
module and msilo module and I found 300 connections in logfile of my MySQL 
server. I think, this is not normal behaviour, is it?

I use MySQL server 4.0.15a-1 from SID distribution.

Thank you very much for your reactions.

Best regards

	Michal Tarana

	Oddelenie projektu Infovek
	Ustav informacii a prognoz skolstva SR
	Stare Grunty 36

	ICQ: 146757226

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