[Serusers] loose_route

Jan Janak jan at iptel.org
Wed Oct 1 13:37:25 CEST 2003

Yes, the proxy will forward the request to the PSTN gateway. In case of
loose routing, Request-URI doesn't always contain URI where the message
will be sent. In that case loose_route will return 1 and the condition
will be true.

Simply challenge the messages before forwarding them.


On 30-09 09:40, Dovid wrote:
> What if someone were to send an INVITE to your proxy with a header: Route:
> <sip:phone-number at pstn-gateway>? Would the proxy forward it, and the gateway
> then set up the call?
> Normally the request is directed to the proxy. The proxy then authenticates
> before forwarding to the PSTN gateway. In the above example, there was a
> Route header. In which case doesn't it mean
>         if (loose_route()) { #Route header exists.
>                 t_relay(); #Forward now. Don't authenticate.
>                 break;
>         };
> Is my understanding of loose_route() wrong?
> Thanks.
> Dovid
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Juha Heinanen [mailto:jh at tutpro.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 2:06 AM
> To: Dovid
> Cc: Serusers
> Subject: RE: [Serusers] loose_route
> Dovid writes:
>  > My understanding is that loose_route() checks for a Route header field.
> The
>  > standard cfg entry will then relay the SIP request.
>  > Let's take the following scenario. I have a PSTN gateway which listens on
>  > port 5060 and accepts to that port only from my SIP proxy. Normally the
>  > proxy takes care of authentication and authorization and if approved,
>  > forwards to the gateway. What if someone were to send an INVITE to my
> proxy
>  > with a header: Route: <sip:phone-number at pstn-gateway>? Would the proxy
>  > forward it, and the gateway then set up the call?
> i call loose_route() in the beginning of ser.cfg before the user is
> authenticated and approved for pstn access.
> -- juha
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