[Serusers] Routing with ser / Problems with linphone

Klaus Darilion darilion at ict.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Feb 5 11:43:34 CET 2003

I just read the "ser status update" from jiri and he wrote in the "new
features" section:

- 3261-alignment: support for TCP and loose-routing

So I think this will be fixed in the next release?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Klaus Darilion 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 11:19 AM
> To: serusers at lists.iptel.org
> Cc: Aymeric Moizard
> Subject: [Serusers] Routing with ser / Problems with linphone
> Hello!
> I've installed ser (sip:obelix.ict.tuwien.ac.at) und want'ed 
> to use it with linphone, so I configured linphone to use ser 
> as outbound proxy and registrar. The registration works fine 
> but not the INVITEs. ser answers to an INVITE from linphone 
> with a 404 Not Found and I found out that the problem is the 
> "Route" header in the INVITE from linphone.
> Route: <sip:obelix.ict.tuwien.ac.at;lr>
> When I remove the header from the invite and send it manually 
> (sipsak) the ser proxy accepts the invite and forwards it. I 
> think ser reacts wrong because if an RFC3261 proxy gets an 
> request with a route header which points to itself it should 
> remove the header and forward the request.
> Than I tried the same with an different proxy in the route header:
> Route: <sip:iptel.org;lr>
> Now, my ser proxy (sip:obelix.ict.tuwien.ac.at) accepts the 
> request and forwards it to iptel.org, but it rewrites the 
> invite to: INVITE sip:iptel.org;lr SIP/2.0
> Thats what an RFC2543 proxy would do, but not an RFC3261 
> proxy, which only is allowed to do that if the route header 
> has no "lr" parameter or if he is responsible for the domain 
> in the request URI. If there is an "lr" parameter the proxy 
> must not change the request URI.
> If I'm wrong please let me know.
> I use ser 0.8.10 with the standard config file and linphone 
> 0.9.1 & 0.10.0
> Regards,
> Klaus
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