[sr-dev] ACC radius and diameter

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Mon Jan 2 16:40:28 CET 2017

From the README:

"The SQL backend support is compiled in the module. For RADIUS and DIAMETER you need to enable it by recompiling the module with properly set defines: uncomment the RAD_ACC or DDIAM_ACC lines in modules/acc/Makefile. To compile RADIUS support, you need to have radiusclient-ng (only versions higher or equal to 0.5.0) installed on your system which is available from http://developer.berlios.de/projects/radiusclient-ng/.”

This compile-time option is one of the few remaining that makes binary distributions hard - I don’t know how the debian packages handled this one.

Anyone that wants to attempt a way to handle this as modules instead? I don’t fancy adding diameter and radius support as a requirement
for compiling ACC but there has to be a way to follow the lead of the AUTH modules, with one generic module and then additional AUTH_RADIUS etc.

(Looking at you Carsten :-)  )


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