[sr-dev] Documentation update for logging?

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Sat Apr 16 10:14:32 CEST 2016

> On 15 Apr 2016, at 11:01, Camille Oudot <camille.oudot at orange.com> wrote:
> Hi Olle
>> There are a few modules that documents logging to syslog and some
>> have configuration of channel ID.
>> Should we update the docs? Are these logging to the logging system
>> and can be redirected to systemd logs now?
> I think we are good, because they are still usable. Systemd's journald
> supports the syslog protocol, plus its own protocol. Anything that is
> sent via syslog() is captured by journald and recorded in the journal,
> as any event that would be sent via the journald logging API.
> Journald also keeps track of the syslog facility information and stores
> it a custom field [1], so this is still usable to differentiate log
> sources.
> [1]. https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.journal-fields.html#SYSLOG_FACILITY=

Cool. But maybe we should change wording to “Kamailio logging system” and explain
that our logging system can log to multiple systems? 

More questions:

- Are we only logging to one log system - if I load the systemd logger - will we not log to syslog?

- Can we route different logging facilities to different logging systems?

Let’s say I want to use one set of xlog() statements to log to custom logger, one set to syslog,
is that possible?

Trying to figure out the architecture here.


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