[sr-dev] htable add/delete RPC commands

Ovidiu Sas osas at voipembedded.com
Mon Feb 24 21:40:14 CET 2014

Hello Daniel,

The readme file or the cookboks don't say anything about this.
Can you please enhance the readme?
 - the indexing: key_name[n]
 - the array size: key_name::size

Question: can the following syntax be used to delete a specific
element in an array key?
kamcmd htable.get students anna[2]
kamcmd htable.get students anna[0]

Ovidiu Sas

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
<miconda at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On 22/02/14 22:29, Juha Heinanen wrote:
>> Ovidiu Sas writes:
>>> I moved the discussion here, in a separate thread.
>>> It seems that what are you looking for is not there ... not
>>> implemented.
>> yes, that is way is asked about it.
>>> If you have the same key_name with different values in the table, the
>>> last value will be the one loaded in memory.
>>> You can't have an array of values for the same keys.
>>> Also, there's no syntax to access a particular value in an array.
>>> Maybe that's why there's no option to provide the value.
>> see this:
>> o key type - the type of the key
>>      0 - simple key - the key is added as 'key_name'.
>>      1 - array key - the key is added as 'key_name[n]'. n is incremented
>>      for each key with this name to build an array in hash table.
> for clarifications, this is still a single key item in memory, just its
> format is made 'key_name[n]'. Hash tables by definition work with unique key
> indexing.
> So adding such items in the hash table should be like:
> kamctl mi sht_add ht0 'abc[0]' v0
> kamctl mi sht_add ht0 'abc[1]' v1
> kamctl mi sht_add ht0 'abc::size' 2
> Cheers,
> Daniel
>> for example:
>>      $var(size) = $sht(htable=>$var(key)::size);
>>      $var(i) = 0;
>>      while ($var(i) < $var(size)) {
>>          $var(value) = $sht(htable=>$var(key)[$var(i)]);
>>          ...
>>   -- juha
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