[sr-dev] dns resolver issue (RFC3263)

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 17:30:23 CET 2012


ok, if the tests went fine then you can merge the patches to the master 
branch. I will test it from there in short time.


On 12/16/12 1:28 PM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> You have absolutely right, it has to be tested it without cache.
> I thought someone is using it that way and will help to test it, 
> anyhow I made the test myself now.
> I have tested sip-router without DNS CACHE and after this correction:
> http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=sip-router;a=commitdiff;h=7ce7d6413b45e7e9df190167e7faba8c10f96492
> Now it seems to be working correctly.
> So I tested it, and i couldn't experience any issue with it.
> It will be more safe if others (like IBC,Klauss) can apply it to any 
> testing baranch and confirm that they have no issue with it.
> If you want to Test it yourself i can wait for the next major release.
> (After it please merge it to master.)
> Many Thanks,
> Misi
> On 2012-12-10 10:26, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> one thing keeps it back for now - you said that you didn't tested 
>> without cache. So that has to be reviewed as well, it is a patch for 
>> core and cannot be overlooked. If you can test it and report the 
>> results, then it can speed up. For me it will take a bit of time to 
>> get to testing it, but I will before the next major release.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 12/10/12 9:37 AM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Any other issue or comment or request for correction?
>>> When can i expect to submit it to master tree?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Misi
>>> On 2012-12-05 13:07, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
>>>> Hi Daniel
>>>> I wrote in my first patch announcing email, that i didn't test the 
>>>> patched dns resolution without cache.
>>>> I only tested with dns cache.
>>>> This is the reason why i didn't recognize this problem.
>>>> You are right I made a mistake, but now it is corrected.
>>>> Many Thanks,
>>>> Misi
>>>> On 2012-12-04 17:47, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I was looking to the patch and I spotted that you didn't assign 
>>>>> anymore a value to he variable -- next is the specific part of the 
>>>>> diff:
>>>>> -       /* fallback to normal srv lookup */
>>>>> -       he=srv_sip_resolvehost(name, 0, port, proto, 0, 0);
>>>>> +       /* fallback to srv lookup */
>>>>> +       no_naptr_srv_sip_resolvehost(name,port,proto);
>>>>> Shouldn't be like: he = no_naptr_srv_sip_resolvehost(name,port,proto);
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On 11/30/12 10:31 AM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> On 2012-11-30 09:07, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> On 11/19/12 10:18 AM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>>>>> On 2012-11-14 12:51, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> On 11/12/12 10:50 AM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I made some progress. As I stated before, I made a patch and 
>>>>>>>>>> submitted to git branch misi/dns_srv.
>>>>>>>>>> I tested with dns cache. It works for me.
>>>>>>>>>> I made it also available for case if "no dns cache" is used too,
>>>>>>>>>> but it isn't tested yet.
>>>>>>>>>> Please review my commit, and let me know if any corrections 
>>>>>>>>>> needed.
>>>>>>>>> if nobody does it meanwhile, I can look over it next week and 
>>>>>>>>> also check properly what's all about this discussion, 
>>>>>>>>> currently being out of the office.
>>>>>>>> After you had time to review it, please let me know your thoughts.
>>>>>>> unfortunately I had no time to look at it yet. Hopefully I will 
>>>>>>> find some soon.
>>>>>>> Btw, is it complete? IIRC, I saw something like it still has to 
>>>>>>> be extended.
>>>>>> It is complete and working patch.
>>>>>> If there are no NAPTR records to a domain, then according to the 
>>>>>> local protocol preference it orders protocols and it tries to 
>>>>>> resolve SRV records according this ordered list. If there is no 
>>>>>> order then the order is udp,tcp,tls,sctp,..
>>>>>> SRV records are resolved in order Kamailio dns protocol preference.
>>>>>> My algorithm picks and returns with the first protocol resolvable 
>>>>>> SRV record, so it sets from SRV the port and protocol.
>>>>>> (Of course if there are no SRV at all then it fallbacks to host 
>>>>>> resolving so dns "A" record.)
>>>>>> It is big step forward comparing to current Kamailio behavior 
>>>>>> where it is using strictly udp only and after it stops searching 
>>>>>> SRV records at all, and go for "A" record!
>>>>>> As i wrote in my patch announcing email it is a step further on 
>>>>>> the way to conforming with RFC3263, but my patch not handling 
>>>>>> fallback if there are SRV-s  for multiple protocols in DNS.
>>>>>> In such case only and only if the first protocol is temporary not 
>>>>>> available or fails we are not falling back to other protocol but 
>>>>>> falling back to host resolving so "A" record (and/or AAAA).
>>>>>> Can you send meg the iirc message what was there exactly?
>>>>>> Is there any other problem in it?
>>>>>> I guess no just what i explained above.
>>>>>> I am eagerly waiting your review and comment.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>> Misi
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -http://www.asipto.com
>>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda  -http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
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>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -http://www.asipto.com
>> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda  -http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

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