[sr-dev] modules_k/dialog: no referencing to current dialog possible when using dlg_manage()

Timo Reimann timo.reimann at 1und1.de
Fri Mar 4 16:42:35 CET 2011


with respect to this thread on SR-Users


asking why set_dlg_profile() doesn't work in failure_route, I figured
out that the problem is related to dlg_manage() usage. Conceptually,
tracking dialogs on-demand via that function and using the dialog flag
should work equally well. However, the dialog creation process differs
regarding the parameters passed to dlg_new_dialog() (located in
dlg_handlers.c and called by both approaches) whose signature is

  int dlg_new_dialog(struct sip_msg *msg, struct cell *t)

When using dlg_manage(), a NULL pointer is passed instead of an existing
transaction cell. The pointer is subsequently passed to two tm module
callback registrations where one for the callback type TMCB_MAX is meant
as a "temporary workaround of missing dialog_ctx field" as noted by
Daniel in commit f6a66b42. However, that very registration call is bound
to a check that the transaction exists, i.e., parameter t is not NULL:


Consequently, no callback of type TMCB_MAX will be carried out for
dialogs generated from dlg_manage(). This poses to be a problem for a
bunch of dialog profiling-related exported functions as well as
is_known_dlg() since they rely on the get_current_dialog() function. For
non-REQUEST routes, that function accesses the current dialog by means
of iterating through all of the current transaction's callbacks looking
for one of type TMCB_MAX that was previously registered in
dlg_create_dialog(). However, as that registration never occurs in case
of dlg_manage()-based tracking for reasons lined out above, the set of
mentioned, exported functions cannot work. Refer to


to see how get_current_dialog() does it.

So how do we fix this?

My idea is to simply remove the not-NULL-check against the transaction t
prior to callback registration. If the transaction doesn't exists, the
tm module makes sure that it will be created lazily. This is how the
first callback registration for types TMCB_RESPONSE_READY and
TMCB_RESPONSE_FWDED in dlg_create_dialog() already works, apparently
with no issues. I also did a quick, simple test with the check left out
that proved to work fine.

As this looks like a fix to a work-around, however, I'd like to ask for
some feedback first.

Thanks and



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