[sr-dev] git:alexh/master: modules/tm: Make 487 a prioritized reply code too

Alex Hermann alex at speakup.nl
Mon Aug 8 15:10:39 CEST 2011

On Monday 08 August 2011, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Am 08.08.2011 13:05, schrieb Alex Hermann:
> > Don't you think that if a caller cancels a call, the response to the
> > INVITE should always be 487, even if there are (higher priority)
> > responses from other branches?
> modparam("tm", "failure_reply_mode", 3)

That parameter is unacceptable in this/my case. In this case the proxy must 
choose the best response from all branches, even old ones. But if the caller 
cancelled the request, a 487 must win.

Anyway, i won't push this patch, because it still has other issues. A 404 
still wins from the 487... I need to treat 487 special somehow.

Alex Hermann

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