[Kamailio-Devel] Variable access from core

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Thu Mar 19 17:33:50 CET 2009

On Thursday 19 March 2009, Jason Penton wrote:
> This is exactly why we're doing it :D
> another thing we're looking at is centralising some of the state - like the
> tm module and dialog modules could store data centrally so calls
> (transactions) can be served by any instance of an 'OpenSER cloud'. Havent
> got there yet, but been thinking about it- possibly using something like
> memcached. Would love to work with the list if anyone else has interest.

Hi Jason,

this was one of the reason i developed the memcached module, to store global 
state like this. One possible next step could be the creation of an interface 
to the dialog and tm module to store/ synchronize its cache with it.

I've investigated a bit the option to create a SQL-like interface on top of 
memcached. This would make it quite easy to use it in modules. But it turned 
out not that easy, SQL matches not really good to the key-value model which 
memcached uses. But i think it should be feasible to generalize the cache 
model that is used from dialog and tm, and use this. I can help with the 
memcached connection, when somebody has interest to work on the dialog side..



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