[Kamailio-Devel] [SR-Dev] Status of kamailio modules on sip-router core

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 20:38:17 CET 2009

Thanks Jan!

Very impressive effort. I  am going to cover many modules left, and I am 
starting with:
- PV (which is pretty much done for quite some time: 
http://sip-router.org/pub/tmp/miconda/ - just the AVPs and a few other 
bits have to be sorted out).
- dispatcher
- sl
- textops

I will send soon other updates.


On 03/09/2009 03:58 PM, Jan Janak wrote:
> As of today, I still haven't managed to make the following kamailio
> modules compile:
> cpl-c, dialog, dispatcher, domain, domainpolicy, enum, msilo,
> nathelper, nat_traveral, osp, path, perl, perlvdb, presence, pv, qos,
> ratelimit, registrar, rls, rtimer, seas, sipitrace, sl, snmpstats,
> sst, texops, uac, uac_redirect, usrloc, utils
> This does not necessarily mean that the modules above are difficult to
> update, but only that they require manual changes and I haven't had
> the time to do them yet.
> Some of the modules require changes in the sip-router core which are
> underway. 
> If you would like to help update one of the modules above and make
> them work on the sip-router core, then, please, let me know. I would
> especially appreciate help with the following modules:
> perl, perlvdb, pv, snmpstas
> because I don't know much about them.
> And if you don't have the time or knowledge necessary to convert
> modules, we would still appreciate if you could review changes we did
> so far. Here is how you can review module changes:
> 1) Through gitweb
> Go to 
> http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=kamailio-3.0/.git;a=heads
> and click on a module that interests you. You'll be presented with the
> history of the module. Commits on the top of the list are those that I
> made to make the module work with the sip-router core. The oldest
> commit in most modules which is related to the update to sip-router is:
> "Define OPENSER_MOD_INTERFACE in Makefile."
> All modules contain that one, so you only need to look at commits that
> are newer than this one. There are some exceptions though, such as the
> acc module, where the above mentioned commit is not the last one.
> 2) With git
> Clone the repository using:
>  $ git clone git://git.sip-router.org/kamailio-3.0
> Checkout the branch of the module you are interested in:
>  $ git co -b acc origin/acc
> And examine the history of the module with git log:
>  $ git log -u
>   Jan.
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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