[Kamailio-Devel] tcp connection reuse for notify requests?

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Thu Oct 2 08:13:49 CEST 2008

Klaus Darilion writes:

 > If this parameter is set, then the Path header gets an additional 
 > "received" parameter indicating the received ip:port. For requests to 
 > the client, a RR callback is used to evaluate the Route header, and if 
 > the received parameter is present, the DURI is set to this value.


thanks for the explanation.  looks like one could use a hack to make
this work even when using a single co-located proxy/presence server by
adding a route header when subscribe is received from UA and then by
forward it back to the proxy itself.  of course, a better solution would
be to extend presence module by saving the 'received' parameter.

-- juha

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