[OpenSER-Devel] Possible bug in the tm module in the presence of packet loss/branches

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Thu Mar 6 21:42:03 CET 2008

On Thursday 06 March 2008, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Dan Pascu wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 March 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> >> Hi Maxim,
> >>
> >> You stated:
> >>
> >> <quote>
> >> The correct behavior of the tm module in this case would be to
> >> continue with INVITE re-transmits until we get provisional response
> >> and immediate CANCEL once that response comes in.
> >> </quote>
> >>
> >> Is this based on RFC indication or a personal opinion? If RFC based,
> >> could you please point me out the relevant section?
> >
> > I got the same impression that Maxim is trying to solve a problem not
> > related to SIP (network packet loss) by hacking the SIP behavior and
> Your impression is completely wrong.

Really? Then why do you write in the other reply

In my situation this problem has been aggravated by the magnitude of 
packet loss

> Network packet loss is real if you 
> are using UDP, and even if you don't see it normally, it still happens
> from time to time.

This is what retransmissions are for. They deal nicely with occasional 
packet loss. Now if you try to run a SIP service over a network with 50% 
packet loss, then I can understand why you gasp and try to grab on any 
idea (no matter how unrelated to the original issue) that could help you 
through the thing.


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