[OpenSER-Devel] svn status

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Mon Jun 23 23:07:57 CEST 2008

On Monday 23 June 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>  From my perspective is unfrozen in regard to local_route -- 

To be honest I'm a bit put off by this. The svn was frozen on 6-7 June and 
the consensus was that the release should be made on 7 July if no 
extension was required. Then the request was made to un-froze it for 4-5 
days to fix issues with the local_route. Yet we are almost 3 weeks later, 
with the original release date less than 2 weeks away, and the svn is 
still unfrozen, nothing was done to set things straight and discussion 
switched from fixing the issues to removing the new feature.

>  things are 
> very inconsistent there, internal design affected and too short time to
> make it right if we stick close to original release plan. Therefore,
> the steps I see:
> - enclose local_route in defines and disable it for 1.4
> - resume the testing and review of other stuff to ensure that proper
> functionality is preserved and new features are ok
> - release in one moth if everything goes fine


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