[Kamailio-Devel] [Kamailio-Users] 1.4.0 release plans, project matters

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Aug 5 21:23:18 CEST 2008

Alex Balashov writes:

 > And you do not feel that a revamping of the ground rules in the 
 > incumbent project could have been achieved?  In other words, couldn't 
 > you have said to everyone:  "Look, what we've got right now isn't 
 > working [for the following reasons] and it must change, or I might have 
 > to go make my own fork?"


it would have been great if bogdan had said that.  i would certainly had
agreed to the new decision making system whatever it would had been if
it had kept bogdan happy.  the problem was that bogdan never expressed a
need to make the changes he now writes about.

my conclusion of this is that bogdan didn't really want to change
OpenSER project for better, but wanted to start his own show.

-- juha

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