[OpenSER-Devel] No result using function parse_uri()
Matheus Araújo Aguiar
matheus.pit at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 22:23:06 CEST 2008
Hello everyone,
I'm coding an extension to OpenSER and I'm getting no result from the
function parse_uri().
The code is like this:
struct to_body* b;
b = (struct to_body*)msg->from->parsed; /* msg is the
struct sip_msg received, the headers From and To have already been parsed,
and i can show their uri on the screen without trouble */
if(parse_uri(b->uri.s, b->uri.len, uri) < 0){
... (error msgs and etc) ...
else {
user = uri->user;
host = uri->host;
LM_DBG("user %*.s host %*.s\n", user.len, user.s, host.len,
host.s );
What I get on the screen after this "printout" is nothing, the strings
user.s and host.s seem to be empty.
I think that I'm doing everything right, and I cannot see what I'm doing
wrong here. So I'd appreciate any kind of help with this problem.
Best regards,
Matheus Araújo Aguiar
Computer Science Student
matheus.pit at gmail.com
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